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The Ethel Groves Lucas Scholarship



Award amount depends on donations received, and any interest accrued from invested funds.


Shall be a full-time undergraduate student at Framingham State University with at least four courses completed and one semester remaining.
Shall be a Fashion Design and Retailing major with a concentration in apparel and design. If there is an insufficient number of applicants, Food and Nutrition majors will be considered.
Shall be a resident of Massachusetts or New York State
Shall have documented financial need
Membership in Phi Upsilon Omicron or Delta Kappa Gamma Society International is desirable.

Apply by March 15


Fashion Design or Retailing/Food and Nutrition
Course Credits
Not specified
Minimum 2.5
Additional Criteria
  • Sophomores
  • Juniors
  • Seniors
  • At Least 4 Credits Earned
  • Residents of MA
  • Residents of New York State

The scholarship was established with contributions in memory of Ethel Groves Lucas who graduated from the College and later returned to teach. She was president of the Alumni Class of 1935 and received an Alumni Achievement Award in 1980. Preference is given to students who are Family and Consumer Sciences or a Fashion Design major.


You can apply for this scholarship with the Universal Scholarship Application.